Support disaster relief efforts through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA). Your contribution can make a difference for those affected by Hurricane Helene.
Christian churches of many denominations across the globe will share The Lord’s Supper on Sunday, Oct. 6, as a sign of Christ’s prayer that we would be one, united Body of Christ.
Small changes add up to big value when it comes to energy conservation.
Sarah Scruggs has been promoted to Assistant Director of Children’s Ministries with a focus on leading the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program.
Join us for “Home on Highland” on September 8! This is more than just an event; it’s a celebration of our church family and the home we share at IPC. Come and let’s make our fall kickoff a memorable one filled with laughter, lunch, storytelling, and lasting connections.
I am so excited to be back in the pulpit on Sunday, August 18, and to see all of your faces.
Our youth are so excited to share our cookbook with you. Purchase online or at IPC for a collection of cherished recipes generously shared by members of our congregation.
It’s hot outside, and your home electronics are, too!
The IPC Foundation seeks to identify and respond to critical needs at home and worldwide. Funding global mission journeys is one way we create a lasting impact in the lives of those we serve.
IPC is excited to announce a new Mahjong classes starting this fall at IPC. Classes for beginner and experienced players will be held on Wednesday nights and Tuesday afternoons.
This summer travel season, be mindful of what you consume while on the road.
Rev. Clayton and Rev. Seamon will tackle the common questions we ask as we walk along the journey of faith as disciples of Jesus Christ. Share your questions with us and join your family of faith for the six-week series July 7- August 11!
With this hot weather, many shelters in Birmingham have depleted their stocks of bottled water.
Disposable plates, paper napkins, cheap plasticware, and other non-durable consumer goods commonly used at summer cookouts make up about 20% of America's waste stream.
With local farmer’s markets in full swing and the summer fruit season upon us, consider reducing your consumption of red meat and filling your plate with plants, instead.
Each summer, we come together as a church to support PMUA to provide funding for Kirkwood by the River’s Life Care Fund, the Living River Power of the Outdoors Scholarship Fund, and the Social Services Fund.
The Communications is thrilled to launch our newly redesigned eUpdate newsletter, which now aligns with the look and feel of our recent website redesign!
We would greatly appreciate your support these next hot months with nonperishables and hygiene products for our neighbors in need.
An update from the President of the Congregation
Will you help us grow? Join us in worship this Sunday for our Moment for Mission with Children's Ministry to find out ways you can be involved in nurturing our church's youngest disciples. God’s Kingdom Garden needs your time and talents to grow big and strong!
Recently, honey bees were found swarming around IPC's campus, mainly on the church roof. We are monitoring our swarm at the time and kindly ask the congregation to please use caution if you encounter our swarm.
IPC's food pantry is in dire need as its shelves are concerningly empty of both food and hygiene products relied upon by our neighbors.
Support the mission of the Children's Fresh Air Farm as we prepare for the Summer Learning Program (SLP) for youth and children from Birmingham's Hayes K-8.
On April 14, Rev. Long’s last Sunday before sabbatical, we invite all members to a welcome reception for Rev. Dr. Tom Tewell during the Sunday school hour at 10 am in the Great Hall with light breakfast and refreshments.
From the Earth Care Team: Is spring cleaning on your mind? Find two, quick and easy tips. Also, make plans to celebrate Earth Day.
Please join members of IPC's Bread for the World team in the parlor after the morning services on Sunday, April 14, when you are invited to take part in the Offering of Letters.
We want to be a church of small groups, where everyone can find a place of deep connection and belonging. The Small Group Subcommittee was chartered to provide opportunities for connection to every member of our congregation.
Join IPC in worship during Lent as we wrestle the fascinating “I AM” statements of Jesus.
IPC's Discernment Fund continues to support the critical needs of children and families in our community through the Community Ministries Team. Learn more about the outcomes achieved in 2023.
Join us for One Great Hour of Sharing, a day for celebratory giving on Palm Sunday to benefit Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.
We are grateful to be able to provide for our neighbors thanks to you all. See what items are needed to fill the Blessing Boxes and Weekend Buddy Bags this week!
IPC has been a certified Earth Care Congregation for 8 years. Each year and each program of IPC has an opportunity to find continuity and connectedness through Earth Care principles.
A new fund has been established to pay for the counseling costs of any older member of the church who desires spiritually-based professional counseling.
Three steps to reduce printed paper and lower the amount of your household’s paper waste.
This week, we are focusing on our needs for protein in the Blessing Boxes. It is so important that we keep many different types of proteins in the Blessing Boxes so that folks have a choice of ways to fill themselves!
In this season of Lent, when we are called to practice spiritual disciplines such as prayer with more intention, we would welcome you to join the Intercessory Prayer Group.
We will be taking a deep dive into the "I am" statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John throughout the season of Lent.
Join The IPC Guild! We are an energetic group of 70 women who work together behind the scenes to care for the sanctuary and prepare for worship and sacred services.
IPC Youth invites the congregation to give to a special Souper Bowl of Caring on Sunday, February 11. Please join this youth-led tradition and give generously in support of Weekend Buddy Bags for students at Hayes K-8 School.
I hope that you will join me in fulfilling our baptismal vows to the next generation of our church by supplementing your stewardship gift this year with a special gift to our IPC Playground Renovation Fund.
Starting February 11, the Table Worship Service will move from 5 pm to 11 am on a trial basis through the Season of Lent.
Bring a bit o' tartan to the 11 am worship service on Sunday, January 21, for our annual Kirkin' o' the Tartan.
One Roof, IPC's partner, will conduct a point-in-time survey of Birmingham's homeless on January 23. Volunteers are needed to assist with the survey and donate chapsticks as part of hygiene kits for the survey participants.
This year’s Festival “We Have Come This Way by Faith - Exploring the Roots of IPC” will take place February 5-11 celebrating the journeys of faith of Independent Presbyterian Church and Christian Pilgrimages throughout the centuries.
We are very busy at the Blessing Boxes these last few weeks leading up to Christmas as our neighbors brace the cold weather and endure long nights. Please keep our community members in your prayers this holiday season!
As the needs of the congregation and our community continue to grow, year-end gifts are a way to bless our church and allow our ministries to continue to flourish. If you plan to make a charitable contribution before the end of the year, please consider IPC.
Join the IPC Social Justice Book Club for a discussion of the book, "Poverty By America" written by Matthew Desmond.
As you and your family approach a time of full calendars and bustling kitchens, candlelit services, and living rooms strewn with wrapping paper, we invite you to journey through the season with this Advent devotional.
Join IPC for a sermon series called “Home for the Holidays" each week during this Advent season.
Have you had a chance to check out IPC’s newly updated website? The project was completed just in time for Advent at IPC.