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Lenten Devotions

As Lent approaches, consider subscribing to a Lenten devotional that offers meaningful reflections and spiritual insights to guide you on your journey. This season is a time for reflection and renewal, and a devotional can help deepen your faith and enrich your experience.

"The Road to Joy" by Christianity Today

The Days Leading to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (the Lenten season) are some of the most significant of the year for many Christians in a variety of theological traditions. Whereas the Advent season is celebrated as a time of joyful anticipation, Lent is traditionally practiced with a sense of sober observance, characterized by repentance, self-denial, and an awareness of our sinful humanity that led to Christ’s atonement of our sins. While it is right and good for Christians to enter into a time of somber reflection as we look to the Cross, we don’t want to forget that this is a road with a joyful conclusion—the resurrection of Christ For this Easter and Lenten season, we will begin a journey down The Road to Joy with Christianity Today.

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"The Hardest Part" by Kate Bowler

Lent isn’t about rushing to the happy ending—it’s about sitting in the mess. It’s about the phone call that changes everything. The waiting that makes you wonder if hope is even worth it. The Hardest Part by Kate Bowler is for those moments, the ones we’d rather avoid but know we need to face. Each day offers a Scripture, a reflection to sit with life’s messy parts, and a blessing to remind you that somehow, grace has a way of sneaking in—even when it feels impossible.

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