Be Joyful in the Lord:
A Celebration of Smiles, Kindness and Community
January 31 - February 6, 2025
The 54th Annual Religious Arts Festival at IPC begins Friday, January 31 with events running through Thursday, February 6. “Be Joyful in the Lord: A Celebration of Smiles, Kindness, and Community” will feature Piffaro: the Renaissance Band, a multi-media concert about Smiles, lectures on humor and comedy in Art and application to daily life, and an evening of Improv at the Festival Banquet.
2025 Schedule
Dr. Jacob Myers, Associate Professor of Homiletics at Columbia Theological Seminary
Laughter and Christianity have been at odds for much of Church history. In this lecture, we’ll explore the untapped potential of laughter and comedy to forge deeper connections, and to mend social and political divisions. Looking through the lens of stand-up comedy, we’ll see how certain forms of humor and comedy stand ready to open our hearts and minds to the differences that divide us.
Rev. MaryAnn McKibben Dana, Associate Pastor at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Herndon, VA.
Joy is one of the fruits of the Spirit… perhaps the juiciest! Join us as we explore the world-changing power of joy in our families, communities, and the world at large. We’ll find joy in the biblical story, in real-world examples of movements for change, and in practical tools to improvise in the face of life’s most difficult challenges…together.
Rev. MaryAnn McKibben Dana
Join us an we cap our festival with an interactive “improv jam”—a series of games and exercises designed to put Wednesday night’s ideas into practice and get folks playing together. Whether you applaud appreciatively from the audience or feel moved to jump right into the action, we will build joy and share smiles together through the power of play and community.
Banquet cost: $25, Make reservations by Feb. 2
Watch Online
Events held in the sanctuary will be available via livestream.
If you are interested in helping to secure the future of the Religious Arts Festival at IPC, donate online to The Religious Arts Festival Endowment Fund. Please call the Music Office at (205) 933-3700 for further information.