Sunday marks the final day of our summer food drive here in Community Ministries. A big thank you to all that have provided food and hygiene products so far--let's go out with a bang: The needs list is more comprehensive today.
With this hot weather, many shelters in Birmingham have depleted their stocks of bottled water. Help our neighbors by donating water or Gatorade bottles directly to local shelters such as Jimmie Hale Mission (3420 2nd Ave N), One Roof (1515 6th Ave S), or Firehouse (6262nd Ave N).
The Summer Learning Program at the Fresh Air Farm is still looking for tutors and volunteers for the kitchen. You can contact Becky Wright at bwright@ipc-usa.org for more information.
The Farm is also in need of children's socks, underwear, and gym shorts of all sizes. Kids are 3rd through 8th grade. Contact Sarah Scruggs at sscruggs@ipc-usa.org for details.
Our final Gleaning at Pepper Place will be Saturday, July 20. You can sign up by clicking HERE.
I know there is always a lot going on here in Community Ministries, but know that we could not fulfill the wonderful mission we've been given without your support. As always, we graciously thankful for your help and support in this crucial ministry of our church.
Our Blessing Box needs are as follows:
Canned Meats: Vienna Sausages, Spam, Deviled Ham, etc.
Medium/Large Cereal Boxes or individual cereal cups (we've been running very low here)
Shelf Stable Milk or Powdered Milk
Snacks such as meat/cheese packs, slim jim, beef jerky, etc.
Canned soups such as Campbell's Chunky or Dinty Moore.
Chef Boyardee (with pop top lids) or SpaghettiOs
Packaged meals such as Compleats microwave meals or Dinty Moore
Microwave Macaroni & Cheese Cups
The best deals on hygiene products are usually at Dollar Tree.
You can always buy anything, anytime from our Amazon Wishlist.
Upcoming events and news in Community Ministries:
- Our next Mission Journey to Kenya is coming up in July. We are still accepting donations of crayons, stickers, colored pencils and bandaids. The deadline for those donations is July 7th.
- Summer Gleaning at Pepper Place is on July 20th, 2024. That sign up link is HERE.
Later Events
- First Light dates for the fall: we will serve Sunday through Saturday on the weeks of September 15-21 & November 3-9, 2024. If you would like to sign up to serve or would like more information, please click HERE.