Sunday, November 24
Harvest for Hunger will be wrapping up on Sunday, November 24, and we will commemorate the end with a dedication during Sunday's 8:45 and 11 am worship services in the Sanctuary. We hope that you can join us as we pray over our generous gifts and bless them for all of the people they will benefit.
The Table worship service will be helping pack Weekend Buddy Bags to supply to the children we serve at Hayes K-8 during the 11 am service in Highland Hall. We hope you will join us for worship and participate in this ministry, if you can.
Thank you so much to each and every person that generously filled up Harvest for Hunger bags to stock the IPC Food Pantry and Blessing Boxes for our neighbors as well as our Weekend Buddy Bags to support children at Hayes K-8 School.
Through your generosity, we are able to show the love and compassion of Christ with members of our community by helping meet their basic needs so that they can grow and thrive. We are so grateful for your support of this incredibly important ministry and hope that you will continue to share with our food ministry throughout the year whenever you are able!
Learn More
If you have questions about the Food Pantry, Blessing Boxes, Weekend Buddy Bags, or the Food Ministry at IPC, please contact Catherine Sager, at (205) 933-3725. If you would like to know more about ways you can support Social Services, please contact Evelyn Puckett, at (205) 933-3726. Associate Pastor for Mission and Outreach, Rev. David Seamon, welcomes your visits and calls too at (205) 933-3732.