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Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Returns Sunday, September 8

Children ages 3 through 6th grade

On Sundays during Atrium, we share developmentally-guided Christian religious formation inspired by Catechesis methods where the focus is on the contemplation and enjoyment of God. Classes in the Atrium are held from September through May, and children are divided into atria by age/grade.


  • What is Catechesis of the Good Shepherd?

    Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori-based method of spiritual formation for children, and this program serves the three to ten-year-old children at IPC as their Sunday school. It is a religious experience shared by children and adults listening to God’s word together. The children work in an atrium, which is a special classroom prepared with hands-on lessons to help them explore the Bible and our Presbyterian worship practices. 

    The central parable of Level I catechesis is the Good Shepherd, who calls us by name. The 3 to 6-year-old child is ripe for relationship, and in catechesis they learn and grow in Jesus’ love for us, his sheep. The True Vine is the central parable for Level II. Through questions and discussion we think about how Jesus and the word of God is our sap, and just as it feeds the plant, it feeds us and our lives. When we “remain on the vine,” we bear fruit. As the children grow and develop in the six to ten-year-old age group, they are gaining a greater capacity to place themselves in the context of time and contemplate their role in the world and God’s kingdom. 

  • How does IPC use Catechesis of the Good Shepherd?

    Beginning in 2013, our Sunday school for children has been based on CGS. We have created three atria that provide interactive lessons and hands-on materials (many of which were handmade by IPC members). Children have many beautiful works to choose from and are assisted by a catechist until they want to explore the work on their own. Level 1 atrium is for preschool and kindergarten children; Level 2 atrium is for children in the first to third grades; and Level 3 atrium is for children in the fourth to sixth grades. We also started a toddler atrium this year.

  • Catechesis Glossary

    Catechesis: [pronounced ka-tə-'kē -səs] The word “catechesis” is often defined as oral instruction given to catechumens (those preparing for baptism). It is from a Greek word, related to the word “to teach,” and means “resounding” or “echoing down.” It refers to the passing on of the truths of our faith. It is a religious experience shared by children and adults listening to God’s Word together.

    Atrium: [pronounced 'ā-trē-əm] The dedicated space or room for children to listen to Scripture, meditate on it, pray, and begin to live it according to their own rhythm. The atrium environment contains furniture and materials that are child-sized, correspond to the child’s developmental needs, and encourage freedom of movement to engage in their own personal religious work. In the atrium, children are taught to talk quietly and move slowly; creating a calm, quiet, and sacred space where children actively work on their religious lessons, pray, sing, listen to Scripture, and contemplate the presence of God.

    Catechist: [pronounced 'kat-i-kist] The trained educator who directs the activity of the child in the atrium in a discreet manner, and leaves the child to continue on his or her own whenever the child is capable of doing so. He or she serves as a director and guide to assist in the child’s spiritual formation and religious education, recognizing that the religious education is the child’s personal work, and it is the Holy Spirit who engages the child in a personal dialogue and is, thus, the true Teacher.

Updates from the Atrium

Sarah Scruggs has been promoted to Assistant Director of Children’s Ministries with a focus on leading the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program.

Check out what IPC Children have covered in the Atrium on Sunday mornings during Lent.

Check out what IPC Children have covered this month on Sunday mornings in the Atrium and what is coming up next month!

Volunteers Needed

Adult volunteers are needed each week to help with preparation, leading Atrium sessions, and assisting children who require extra guidance. Please complete the Catechesis Volunteer Form to express your interest.