Check out what IPC Children have covered in the Atrium on Sunday mornings during Lent. Visit our Children's Sunday Programs page for pictures of works & more!
Level 1 (3k-Kindergarten)
Lent has been busy for our Level 1 kids! We introduced Lent to the children as a time of thoughtful prayer and reflection. We also brought in our Lenten “works” or lessons, where children can learn about Holy Week and Easter. These works include the City of Jerusalem, The Last Supper, and The Empty Tomb.
Level 2 (First-Third grade)
The children in Level 2 kicked off Lent with an enthusiastic discussion on the season. They enjoyed going deeper into both familiar and new Lenten lessons. Children learned together about Holy Week through the City of Jerusalem work which expounds upon their experience in Level 1.
For extended atrium, the children had more time to explore the History of the Kingdom of God, prayer, or communion. Extended atrium is also a time for the children to visit different parts of the church.
For the History of the Kingdom of God group, the children were able to think about the past, present, and future of God’s plan with a visual timeline. Children in the prayer group were able to explore different ways to pray. They participated in prayer through movement, praying in color, centering prayer in the chapel, as well as others! Children in the communion group got to see from a catechist and guild member how communion gets prepared in the sacristy, learn about the parts of communion in IPC’s worship service with an interactive lesson, and make their own communion elements out of clay.
Level 3 (Fourth-Sixth grade)
In the Level 3 atrium, we started off Lent with lessons connecting the Bible with the kids’ lives today. We discussed themes like “Who are we in the world?”, “How do we remain in Christ?”, and “What does it mean to live as Christians in our relationships with family and friends?” At this age, a heavy emphasis is placed on group conversation, as they become more and more social.
For extended atrium, the children took a trip to the chapel for a stained glass and Christian symbols tour. They were also able to make and eat their own warm bread! The religious lesson for the day focused on God’s gift of bread to man throughout time.
If you have ANY questions about Catechesis of the Good Shepherd or would like to observe an atrium session, please contact Maegan McRoberts, the Director of Catechesis, at mmcroberts@ipc-usa.org.