Check out what IPC Children have covered this month on Sunday mornings in the Atrium and what is coming up next month!
PLEASE NOTE: There will be no Atrium on Feb 12 due to the Mercedes Marathon or on Feb 19 due to President's Day weekend.
Level 1 (3k-Kindergarten)
As the children gathered back in the atrium after the new year, we held a Christmas/Epiphany celebration where we remembered the gift of baby Jesus as well as the gifts of the wise men. This month, we also learned about Jesus’s presentation in the temple and his baptism.
The children are also invited to explore lessons that are of particular interest to them. The parable of the Good Shepherd and the geography of the land of Israel are always big draws.
Part of our work in the atrium is to prepare the children for worship. We review ‘how to shake hands,’ which sets the child up to learn the passing of the peace.
Looking forward to February, we will be discussing Jesus’s parables. Once Lent begins, we will begin our special Lenten lessons, learning with the children about the events of Holy Week.
Level 2 (First-Third grade)
Following a similar liturgical model to Level 1, Level 2 children met back in the atrium in January with a Christmas/Epiphany celebration, which they helped plan themselves. The children are also practicing looking up scriptures as we think about the stories from Jesus’s life during this time between Christmas and Lent.
In February, we will be discussing and thinking about Jesus’s teachings before starting on our Lenten lessons. At the beginning of Lent, we will be working on lessons such as the origin of Communion and the Lord’s Prayer.
Level 3 (Fourth-Sixth grade)
In the Level 3 atrium, the children have been diving deep into the Bible! January included a three-week study of Moses as well as a study into the different commandments found throughout the Bible, particularly those found in the Sermon on the Mount. The children pondered how to apply these teachings of Jesus to their everyday life.
In February, we will be looking into the liturgical calendar and continue to study and discuss the Bible together.
If you have any questions or would like to observe an atrium session, please contact Maegan McRoberts, the Director of Catechesis, at mmcroberts@ipc-usa.org.