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Hunger Never Takes a Summer Vacation

Summer is upon us and our children's summer programming is in full swing. I hope you get to participate as a volunteer for VBS, Bible Times Marketplace, or our Summer Learning Program out at Fresh Air Farm this year. These events are so much fun, and the Children's Ministry staff work very hard to make them successful: all they're missing is you!

As we all know, everyone loves a summer vacation; no school, trips to new and exciting places, beaches, pools, and fun in the sun. But let's remember: hunger doesn't take a summer break.  

We often find that our food pantry during the summer stays particularly in need. We do our best, but it makes helping our neighbors around us here difficult. If you can, we would greatly appreciate your support through these next few hot months. You don't even need to bring anything to us yourself, you can always purchase items through Amazon, Wal-Mart,  Sam's Club, and the like to get them delivered directly to us. This is a super great solution, especially if you're out of town! 

As always, we graciously thankful for your help and support in this crucial ministry of our church. 

Our Blessing Box needs are as follows:

Peanut butter 


Fruit Cups

Bottled Water

Gatorade packets  AND/OR Bottles (very important since the weather is warming up)

Shelf Stable Milk or Powdered Milk

Tuna Pouches

Fruit Snacks

Canned soups such as Campbell's Chunky or Dinty Moore.

Chef Boyardee (with pop top lids)

Other Packaged meals such as Compleats microwave meals.

Soft Breakfast Bars

Cheese or Peanut Butter Snack Crackers (Individually wrapped)

Microwave Macaroni & Cheese Cups

Hygiene (best deals on hygiene products are usually at Dollar Tree)

Laundry detergent

Dish soap



Baby wipes

You can always buy anything anytime from our Amazon Wishlist.

Upcoming events and news in Community Ministries:

We packed our final Weekend Buddy Bags of the school year and we know the children and their families are very grateful for our support. We will take a short break from these for the summer and begin that program again starting in July (for the first deliveries to occur in August). I will send out a reminder for these needs as we get closer. Weekend Buddy Bag packing days are always so much fun and a super easy way to get involved in Community Ministries and get to know your fellow volunteers. Schedule a day with me for your work group, family, Sunday school, or on your own for a packing party!

Be sure to keep our Summer Mission Journey partners in your prayers as they travel to Chiapas, Mexico, from May 25-31. More missions are also planned for June, July, and August to the Dominican Republic, Kenya, and Mwandi. 

We still have several days available for volunteers that we need to schedule for our summer First Light dinners from Sunday, June 23, through Saturday, June 29. We're coming up on these dates, and it's crucial that we get them filled. You can sign up by clicking HERE.

We have our fall dates booked for our weeks of serving dinner at First Light as well. We will serve Sunday through Saturday on the weeks of September 15-21 & November 3-9, 2024. If you would like to sign up to serve or would like more information, please click HERE.

Summer Gleaning at Pepper Place will occur on three Saturdays this summer. Those dates are on Saturday: June 8, June 22, and July 20. That sign-up link is HERE.