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Give Overview

Ways to Give

Gifts can be made online or by contacting Denise Moore at (205) 933-3705 or

  • One-time Gifts and Donations honor or celebrate a loved one or occasion.
  • Annual Giving allows you to pledge yearly support for IPC worship, ministries, and operations.
  • Memorials honor someone or celebrate someone or a special occasion.
  • Planned Giving leaves a legacy gift witnessing your faith in Christ for future generations.
  • Gifts of Stock are a convenient and helpful way to support IPC or complete a pledge.
  • IPC Foundation Giving extends IPC’s ministries through the use of existing endowments or creates new ones.

When We Are Generous, We Are Most Like God

The IPC Foundation seeks to identify and respond to critical needs at home and worldwide. Funding global mission journeys is one way we create a lasting impact in the lives of those we serve.

With this hot weather, many shelters in Birmingham have depleted their stocks of bottled water.

We would greatly appreciate your support these next hot months with nonperishables and hygiene products for our neighbors in need.

IPC's food pantry is in dire need as its shelves are concerningly empty of both food and hygiene products relied upon by our neighbors.

Support the mission of the Children's Fresh Air Farm as we prepare for the Summer Learning Program (SLP) for youth and children from Birmingham's Hayes K-8.