Prayer is incredibly powerful, and to be surrounded by prayer and the love of one’s church community is truly wonderful. I’m a witness. Last fall I faced some serious questions about my health which could only be answered by numerous tests and consultations with a variety of specialists.
The thought of a right heart catheterization (the cardiologist sticks a tube through your jugular vein and into your heart and pulmonary artery) scared me spitless…but the result was the assurance that my heart is healthy. A minute “irregularity” in the CT scan of my lungs is still a mystery being explored by the pulmonologist.
The tingling in my right arm was diagnosed as due to stenosis…my translation is arthritis and aging in my spine. The first neurosurgeon’s opinion recommending cervical fusions at two separate levels would have resulted in a serious reduction in my quality of life—more terror. After getting a second opinion recommending a less radical approach that reflected my symptoms, I had a foramenotomy at C7-T1 in February. (I am receiving physical therapy and back to stitching needlepoint.)
To top things off, I did a face-plant on the sidewalk in front of IPC before church services on New Year’s Eve where I was scheduled to assist with serving communion. There was blood.
Early on in my journey with at least eight specialists in six months, the Intercessory Prayer Group began praying for me. These devoted people meet every Tuesday morning in the Henry Edmonds Chapel and pray for people on the church prayer list as well as others in need. Anyone can join them.
I cannot swear that the prayers on my behalf changed the test results or the diagnoses I received, but I know that I have felt enveloped in the love emanating from their prayers and from the love of God in our Lord Jesus Christ during this time.
And I was literally picked up off the sidewalk by a whole bunch of church members and taken to be stitched up by a member of my Sunday School class…and an attentive elder took my place to help Susan with communion.
Prayer works.
The Intercessory Prayer Group is only one way to participate in the life of IPC. There are numerous ways to connect and participate at IPC this summer. Please remember that as President of the Congregation, I am elected by the Congregation to be a connection to the Session. So connect!
Join Your Family of Faith This Summer
Service opportunities abound. Be a volunteer at the Summer Learning Program at the Children’s Fresh Air Farm for an hour or more. Participate in Gleaning at Pepper Place. Serve a meal at First Light. Sign up to volunteer on our Serve page.
Participate in worship. Our Summer Worship schedule operates from June 2 - August 25. Traditional and Table services will be concurrent in the Sanctuary and Highland Hall, respectively, at 10 a.m. with Sunday School at 9 a.m. We will observe our holiday schedule with only one 10 a.m. service, no separate Table service and no Sunday School, on May 26, July 7, and September 1. Tom Tewell will be with us for worship on Sundays through June 23. Jeff Leonard will be back to teach his combined Sunday School for adults and youth from June 2 - August 25. Find the details for this Sunday.
Pray for Mission Trips happening throughout the summer. IPC is joining mission partners in Chiapas, Mexico; Dominican Republic; Nairobi, Kenya; and at the Mwandi Mission in Zambia. Remember them in your prayers.
Anticipate a new space for IPC children to play, learn, and grow in faith. By this fall, the children in our church and Day School will be able to enjoy the results of our Playground renovation. Construction will start in August and is expected to last four weeks.
Connect with other members of the congregation with Lunch Bunch and Beer & Hymns. Keep up with all the opportunities on our Summer at IPC page.