This year’s Festival “We Have Come This Way by Faith - Exploring the Roots of IPC” will take place February 5-11 celebrating the journeys of faith of Independent Presbyterian Church and Christian Pilgrimages throughout the centuries. IPC’s Pathway to God began at Temple Emanu-El, and it continues to manifest itself through our pilgrimages to Central America, Europe, and Africa.
Monday and Tuesday evenings will feature Lori Erickson, one of America’s top travel writers specializing in spiritual journeys. A luncheon on Tuesday will also be presented. You can pre-order her books online from Thank You Books.
The annual banquet on Thursday presents Rabbi Adam Wright from Temple Emanu-El as the keynote speaker. Friday will feature an Orchestra Concert of the music of Ralph Vaughan Williams conducted by Jeff McLelland with guest soloist Christopher O’Rear. The Festival will end on Sunday featuring Cantor Robby Wittner from Temple Emanu-El with the IPC Choir leading us through a service of music and worship from the Jewish Tradition.