Welcome to the life and ministry of Independent Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama.
We are a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley. We believe God calls us to be a Christian community, actively engaged in transforming lives through our living faith in Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. You are invited to worship here and to discover ways to grow your faith, serve in ministry to others, and build relationships through fellowship. All are welcome.
Independent Presbyterian Church
3100 Highland Avenue S.
Birmingham, Alabama 35205
Phone: (205) 933-1830
Office Hours (M-F): 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Parking is available on the street and in the parking lot across from the church. Handicap accessible parking available. A ramp is located near the chapel entrance.

You are Invited
If you are new to Birmingham or looking for a church home, please join us for worship or an upcoming event. You can also sign up for our online newsletter to receive information about church fellowship opportunities.
Classes for adults, youth, and children
Interested in Joining IPC?
Thank you for visiting IPC's website! If you are considering a new church home, we would be delighted to have you join us. Start by joining us for worship on Sunday and share your contact information with us. You may contact Stacy Pulliam at (205) 933-3697 for information about the classes or membership.