Congratulations to IPC's Earth Care Team
This is IPC’s 8th consecutive year to be a certified Earth Care Congregation.
To become certified as Earth Care Congregations, churches take the “Earth Care Pledge” and complete activities and projects in the fields of worship, education, facilities, and outreach.
Bring your clean/rinsed #5 plastics to the big, white Super Sack in the little wooden hut at the top of the back parking lot. Once each Super Sack fills, it is taken to Community on the Rise where women are employed creating beautiful household objects and jewelry.
Common #5 plastics include yogurt cups and tubs, sour cream and cream cheese tubs, margarine tubs, microwaveable and takeout containers, puppucino and hot drink lids, and plastic storage bins. Most of these containers are marked with a tiny 5 inside a triangular arrow on the bottom underside. Plastics marked #1-4 or #6-7 cannot be accepted for this recycling project.
Sign up to deliver full Super Sacks to Community on the Rise, located at 112 14th. St. North, next to Church of the Reconciler. Group or individual volunteers are needed to help every month.