As you can see, our food pantry is sorely in need as its shelves are concerningly bare of both food and hygiene products. I mentioned this in our staff meeting this week and was asked what kinds of food could they bring.
I said, "If you can eat it or use it while camping, bring it on!"
As the summertime approaches, our friends and neighbors in our community can use our help now more than ever as it begins to get hot. Know that we are always gracious for your continued support of this important ministry.
Our Blessing Box needs for this week include:
Gatorade packets AND/OR Bottles (very important since the weather is warming up)
Canned soups such as Campbell's Chunky or Chicken Noodle.
Chef Boyardee (with pop-top lids)
Packaged meals such as Compleats microwave meals.
The best deals on hygiene products are usually at Dollar Tree, or you can always buy anytime from our Amazon Wishlist.
Our Weekend Buddy Bag needs for this week are:
Upcoming events in Community Ministries:
- A group of IPC members, including the Social Justice Book Club are traveling to Montgomery to visit The Equal Justice Initiative's Freedom Monument Sculpture Park on Friday, May 3rd from IPC at 8 AM, returning by 4 PM. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Melissa Self Patrick by Tuesday, April 30th to secure tickets. You may email her at mpatrick@ipc-usa.org or call her at 205-933-3709. You can find more information on EJI's park: Freedom Monument Sculpture Park - The Legacy Sites (eji.org).
- Our Spring Cleaning For Good event benefits two organizations impacting the greater Birmingham community. Please join our efforts as we collect bicycles in any condition, men’s gently worn/new tennis shoes or work boots, gently worn/new adult t-shirts, new socks (men’s sizes), and new washcloths.Our bicycles will go to Trips for Kids, an organization that refurbishes used bicycles for students in the Birmingham area and teaches bike safety. Our other goods will go to Faith Chapel Care Center, a partner that provides shower and laundry services to our homeless neighbors. The deadline for Spring Cleaning for Good is April 30th.