For 75 years, One Great Hour of Sharing has connected us in God’s healing, tending, and growing to create a world where all needs are met. It is a time for celebratory giving.
We, with so much, join Presbyterians everywhere each Palm Sunday in the One Great Hour of Sharing. The funds collected through the special offering at IPC will benefit Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.
Please consider giving to this annual tradition on Sunday, March 24. You can place your contribution in the offering plate marked with “One Great Hour of Sharing” in the memo line of your check or on the outside of the envelopes available in the pew racks. You may also give online.
Your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing are shared with the ministries of the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. To learn more about how your gift to One Great Hour of Sharing makes a difference visit pcusa.org/oghs.